About Corey

Updated on: 02/04/2025

Howdy, I’m Corey Quillen. I live in North Austin and work full-time as a software engineer for a non-aviation service company. However, I also provide flight & ground instruction as a freelance CFI whenever possible. I have been a certificated flight instructor for almost 20 years with teaching experience mostly in Cirrus, Cessna, and Diamond aircraft. My work schedule lends itself to recurrent training events such as Instrument Proficiency Checks and Flight Reviews. But, I can definitely help with almost any practical test preparation too. For efficiency, full days of training are preferred and I am willing to travel to most airports in the greater Austin, TX area. Lastly, I love teaching anything related to aviation and I’ll look forward to flying with you. Thanks!


  • Gold Seal
  • IPCs
  • Flight Reviews
  • Checkride Prep
  • Cirrus SR20/22
  • Cessna
  • Diamond
  • Multiengine
  • Former Military
  • Will Travel

FAA Certificates & Ratings

Flight Instructor

  • Single-engine
  • Multiengine
  • Airplane

Ground Instructor



As a Pilot

  • Since 2002 (22+ years)
  • Total Flight Time = 3,000 hours (est.)

As a Flight Instructor

  • Since 2006 (19+ years)
  • Dual Instruction Given = 2,000 hours (est.)

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